Jurnal Inovasi dan Terapan Pengabdian Masyarakat: Announcements 2024-10-03T06:43:27+00:00 Open Journal Systems <div style="border: 3px #086338 Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title </strong>: Jurnal Inovasi dan Terapan Pengabdian Masyarakat<img src="" alt="" /></li> <li><strong>Initials </strong>: JitPeMas</li> <li><strong>Frequency </strong>: Juni &amp; Desember</li> <li><strong>Print ISSN </strong>: <a href="">2797-2321</a></li> <li><strong>Online ISSN </strong>: <a href="">2776-7043</a></li> <li><strong>DOI </strong>: 10.35721</li> <li><strong>Publisher </strong>: LPPM Politeknik 'Aisyiyah Pontianak</li> <li><strong>Indexed</strong> : <a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=3">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="">Garuda</a> | <a href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1478445">Dimensions</a> | <a href=";;ling=0&amp;oaboost=1&amp;name=&amp;thes=&amp;refid=dcresen&amp;newsearch=1">BASE</a> |<a href=";from_ui=yes"> Crossref</a> | <a href="">ROAD</a> |<a href=""> EuroPub</a></li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>JITPeMas: Jurnal Inovasi dan Terapan Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong> (<em>Journal of </em><em>Innovation and Applied Co</em><em>mmunity </em><em>Service</em>) with registered number <a href="">ISSN <strong>2776-7043</strong> (online)</a>, <a href="">ISSN <strong>2797-2321</strong> (print)</a> is a peer-reviewed journal published by Directorate of Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat - LPPM) the Polytechnic of 'Aisyiyah Pontianak.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">JITPeMas aims to publish the results and findings of community service activities. This journal focuses on several scopes such as community empowerment, community service activities by students, development of appropriate technology for the community, health services for the community, and other fields to improve the quality of life of the community.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">JITPeMas published periodically (twice a year) in <strong>Juni</strong> and <strong>December</strong>. Every article that goes to the editorial staff will be selected through Desk Review and Initial Manuscript Evaluation processes by Editorial Board. Then, the articles will be sent to the Mitra Bebestari/peer reviewer and will go to the next selection by Double-Blind Peer-Review Process.</p> CALL FOR PAPERS (Volume 4 Nomor 2 Edisi Desember 2024) 2024-10-03T06:43:27+00:00 Jurnal Inovasi dan Terapan Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024-10-03T06:43:27+00:00