ABPK, Konseling, Edukasi, Implant, MKJPAbstract
In West Kalimantan, the number of users of long-term contraceptive methods in 2017 was 9.2 %. The number of users of long-term contraceptive methods is still relatively low compared to the number of users of other contraceptive methods. In Sungai Kunyit Village, a community that uses MKJP, out of 10 women of childbearing age, no one uses MKJP. The causes of the lack of success of long-term contraceptive methods include in terms of knowledge of women of childbearing age and other knowledge factors. The purpose is to introduce the community more deeply the usefulness, workings and benefits of long-term contraception, namely AKBK (intrauterine device under the skin). Methods of counseling and counseling with Decision-Making Tools (ABPK) usefulness, how it works, the benefits of AKBK. The results of women's mothers of childbearing age better understand the uses, how it works, and straighten the myths found in society. Conclusion with the ABPK counseling method, the community better understands and understands long-term contraceptive methods, especially Implants.
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