Pengetahuan, MP-ASIAbstract
A complete and balanced diet, in terms of both quantity and quality, is essential for optimal growth and development. Adequate nutrient reserves established during infancy can support growth during puberty and adulthood. Historically, between 1989 and 2004, approximately 40 million out of 211 million toddlers worldwide suffered from malnutrition. The increasing number of under-fives who are malnourished is due to the lack of a balanced diet. This study aimed to assess parents' knowledge regarding the provision of complementary foods to infants aged 9-12 months. The study population consisted of parents with toddlers attending PMB Bd. Titin Widyaningsih. A pre-test questionnaire was administered to participants prior to an educational session on complementary feeding for infants aged 9-12 months. A post-test questionnaire was subsequently administered to evaluate the impact of the educational intervention. A total of 20 parents participated in the study. Results revealed that a significant proportion of parents demonstrated a good level of knowledge prior to the intervention. However, post-intervention analysis indicated a further increase in knowledge among participants, with the number of parents possessing good knowledge rising from 16 (80%) to 19 (95%). The findings of this study suggest that the educational intervention effectively enhanced parents' knowledge regarding the provision of complementary foods to infants aged 9-12 months.
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