BMC, Business Profile, Digital Marketing, Financial ReportsAbstract
Snack entrepreneurs in Ngargogondo Tourism Village already have various business products. However, there are several shortcomings in terms of business management that still look traditional and family-like, there is no business profile that can be used as personal branding, business planning is not mature enough for wider market expansion, and businesses are not yet optimal in following the latest technological movements. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge about the benefits of a good business profile and planning, as well as to provide skills related to making digital financial reports and digital marketing. The methods used are lectures, tutorials, and discussions. The activity was carried out at Ngargogondo Village Hall on July 4, 2024. The targets in this activity are snack food business actors in Ngargogondo Village. The results of the activity showed an increase in the knowledge and skills of participants regarding the topics presented. Overall, the increase moved from a scale of less and sufficient, to a scale of good and very good.
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