Artificial Intelligence (AI)Abstract
One technology innovation that is increasingly developing and has great potential to be adpted in the education sector is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI refers to computer systems that are able to imitate human cognitive functions, such as learning, thinking and problem solving. In a digitl based school environment, AI can be implemented in various forms, for example through an adaptive learning system that is able to adapt teaching materials and methods according to the needs and abilities of each student. The aim of this community service activity is to implement existing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the learning process. This community service was carried out on August 14 2024 at SMA Negeri 8 Pontianak. This community service activity method consists 3 stages (preparation, target audience, core activities, question and answer and discussion) carried out by the lecture. This Artificial Intelligence (AI) training was attended by 28 students. The results of community service show that training on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been implemented in improving the quality of learning in a digital-based school environment which can improve the learning experience in a more personal, adaptive manner. Conclusion the implementation of training on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can run well and smoothly. So it is focused on direct demonstrations of the application os al-based adaptive learning that has been developed.
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